Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Half way through April!

It is just over half way through April, month 1. So far not so good. I have managed to put $600 into my savings account so far, but that is going to be mostly going towards my property taxes. I have done a much better job at not eating out and not buying stuff that I don't need.

I have not been successful in pinching pennies and making sure that I have my coupon binder with me at all times. I have been able to get my grandmother to save me the coupons that she doesn't want.

My downfall is cooking good food. I am really into trying new foods, especially Indian. I have been buying different ingredients that I need to do the dish. I spent $30 on spices and flours today at the spice store. But, that amount is far less than I would have spent on the same spices at the grocery store. I got a whole bag of spices for $2 where a small bottle at the grocery store would have cost $6. Amazing! I have found me a new ingredient hot spot!

Update on the no TV thing: apparently we have more than just local channels. So, we are able to still watch our favorite shows and we are not paying an arm and a leg for channels we don't need or want.

I decided to not get the Honda replacement part for my side view mirror. I could not justify spending $26 on the mirror part and then another $95 on the install. AutoZone had a stick on mirror for $7. Problem solved. Mirrored plastic works pretty well. I can see when I am driving!

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